Bottom Line: There are two kinds of photographers...profitable and unprofitable.
If you're not willing to put in the time to learn how to be profitable, can you expect the marketplace to reward YOU?
Do you wish someone would just TELL you what to do?
Outraged that you've spent the last year rocking your clients worlds but yours has changed very little?
Ready to give-up on your dream of being a full-time photographer?
Sick of working IN your business not ON your business?
Confused about what marketing efforts really work to bring in clients?

We are Todd and Julie Nichols, a husband and wife photography team, entrepreneurs and parents to four fabulous children. We're focused on obliterating the "starving artist" mentality. So you know we're legit...We have photographed wedding clients around the world including NASCAR race car drivers, NBA stars and NFL super bowl champions, Elton John events, and movie stars. We've won awards both locally and internationally for our imagery, blah blah blah. LOL! We're not saying this to brag. We do want you to trust that we've done the work! We've been there too and have started two successful photography businesses on opposite ends of the country.
The second time we started a wedding photography business, after a move, we found out we were in the WORST state for wedding photography compensation in the COUNTRY. See below (we "life" haha, in Idaho) "Lowest average earnings per wedding for photographers."
Yet, we regularly book $7K-10K+ clients....
At the end of the day it should be about building a better life right?! Otherwise, why do we do this?

Just imagine how life-changing having a steady cash flow and fewer clients that pay you more, would be!
Perhaps you have ALL the business you want and a steady steam of clients already. If so, this isn't the place for you.
Odds are, your best efforts have brought you to where you are right now. If you continue to do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always had.
It's time to take charge of your business and your life!
Even if you learned just ONE thing that would help you book more clients and take your business to the next level, wouldn't it be worth it?! When you work with us here's just a fraction of what you'll get...
- Steal all the business secrets from our $100K+ photography studio (No question is off limits)
- Cut your learning curve in half (Save Time)
- Thrive while your competition struggles to survive...
Join us for a deep dive into the nuts and bolts of what makes a successful $100K+ photography studio at one of our upcoming workshops. The next one will be at Shore Lodge in McCall Idaho. OR, we do have a limited number of one-on-one mentoring sessions. To get details, RUN your fingers down to the form below and we'll get back to you asap!
Cheers to your success! Fill out the form below ⇩